Sunday, January 13, 2008

Here Comes the Judge! Here Comes the Judge!

If you haven't started at the first post and read forward I would suggest you do that now.
The judge is the third personality of the creative individual. This is all well and good but most people have a problem with the judge part of their personality. They use it wayyy too quickly. What happens most of the time is, we get an idea. It's usually too early to decide whether it has merit or not but our immediate reaction is, "That's stupid." or "That'll never work." or "If it was any good, somebody would have thought of it already."
Many people use the judge as an immediate second step. Slow down. We need to let the artist have his or her say. Work on the idea. Change it around. Do something to it. It is reported that the Mona Lisa took over ten years to finish.
Keep a notebook and write down your ideas. Review it regularly and see which ideas still seem vibrant to you. Don't judge too quickly.

For those of you who are too young to remember or for those of you who would like to stroll down memory lane: I present for your viewing enjoyment;

And finally, I would like to leave you with a creative judging situation that you can use immediately. Please follow this link...

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